Friday, December 6, 2013

F.S. 5 - Learning Activity 1: The School’s Learning Resources


List of Available Learning Resources

The Knowledge Channel Area


The Library

E - Classroom


How are the materials arranged? Are they classified according to their functions and characteristics? Relate your observations here.

                Based on what I have seen, the materials on their e-classroom, text2teach, library, and knowledge channel area are well-arranged. The computers are numerically arranged from 1-40. Each student is assigned to a specific computer cubicle. In their Knowledge Channel Area, the seats of the students are aligned by rows and columns in order to be fair for all the student viewers. In their library, the books are classified according to types from dictionaries up to story books. In the text2teach room, the tables are arranged with 6 students each table. The television in that room is located in the center aisle. CD’s of different subjects are alphabetically arranged in a basket under the television and beside the CD player.

Are the guidelines in place to facilitate access of the teachers to these resources?

                Actually, there are no guidelines or instructions beside each resource (e.g. panaboard) to facilitate access of the teachers. However, before the resources are put in place, the teachers are already given seminars and orientations about how to access or use the resources. The teachers most especially the old ones are taught how to use the resources through hands-on practices. New teachers also have to be oriented before given permission to access the resources.

What are the strengths of the resource center?

  • All the students are allowed to use the resources.
  • All the resources are up-to-date (updated by DepEd).
  • User-friendly Equipments
  • Modern Learning experience
  • Hassle-free for the teachers because the materials are already available (e.g. videos). All they need to do is to arrange their lessons accordingly.
  • Most of the resource center are well ventilated

What are the weaknesses?

  • The resource centers are far from each other.
  • The students will consume their time traveling from one resource center to another.
  • No fire exits (only one door)

What do you suggest to improve the resources?

                What I would like to suggest to them is to put the resource centers in one place. For example, in MUST, we have a “Learning Resource Center” where our library, e-library, and other resource center are put in one place where the students can transfer from one resource center to another easily. It could be very much helpful for the students because they will not anymore waste their time travelling but they could use that time for studying in the resource centers. Another is to add one or if possible more doors being fire exits because as we all know, computers and other electronic material are prone to fire or burn because of short circuit or some other reasons.


Which of the materials have caught your attention most? Why?

                Their “PANABOARD” really caught my attention because in our time since I was in grade school, there was no like that. The panaboard serves as the modern blackboard because the teachers will not use chalks anymore. That panaboard is multitouch. The lessons are directly projected in that board and the teachers will only touch and swipe the screen. The panaboard is computer generated, which means it is connected in a computer where a technician is assigned to operate. That is similar to power point presentations; however, panaboard can be operated through touching the screen while power point presentations cannot.

Which gadget/equipment are you confident to use/operate?

                For me, I am confident operating computers because aside from it is easy to use, all the information I want to get can be easily accessed. No need to write, no waste of pen ink because all I need to do is to type/use the keyboard to generate words and sentences. Thesaurus, almanac, dictionaries are available online. No need for me to scan because by one click everything in the real world is accessed.

Which equipment do you feel you need to learn more about?

                The equipment that I would like to learn more about is the panaboard because I think it is very useful in my future profession. Knowing that it is computer generated, I know it could be easy for me to learn because I can already access computer. It is my first time to see that equipment in my entire life. When I saw it, I thought of really learning how to operate it.

In what way do you think will you learn to operate such equipment?

                I think by learning how to operate panaboard, I should search on the web about its basic operating guidelines. I know that it is already available online. Another way of learning it is by joining orientations about it. I knew about the teacher’s orientation so I thought of finding ways to join so that somehow I could learn operating panaboard. And lastly, I could also ask my friends who are experts on computers because they may know how to use a panaboard.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Using Technology to Enhance Teaching & Learning

Technology changes teaching, not the teachers. Here are some uses of technology to enhance the teaching-learning process.

  • Technology help us process more information efficiently.
  • Lessens the effort of both teachers and students.
  • Useful in many ways.
  • It alters the traditional teaching method because of the modern style of teaching by using technology.
  • Technology provides numerous tools that teachers can use in and out of the classroom to enhance student learning.

  • More productive learning.
  • More resources are available.
below are some of the uses of technology which I found from
  • learn actively rather than passively.
  • get rapid and helpful feedback.
  • reflect on what they have achieved.
  • learn in many different ways.

note: unless students have ongoing technical support, the advantages may be lost. :)