Saturday, January 4, 2014

My New Year Resolutions

My 2013 can be described as a very tiring year. In my family, school, and about friends, many challenges have arrived. In my family, we almost lost our grandma, but we really thanked God that he extended her life. In school, many requirements dumped me in 2013. About my friends, some of them are quarreling. Now, expecting a prosperous 2014, I thought of avoiding those kinds of challenges again that is why I am planning to follow and hopefully complete my “2014 Checklist” below.

(Not in the exact order)
    ü  To be ‘more’ closer to God.
    ü  Be good at home for Lola.
    ü  Go home early. (I need to work this out!)
    ü  Make requirements ahead of time.
    ü  Add more time to my study time.
    ü  Maintain my good grades or much better make it higher.
    ü  “ayaw ug ayaw gyud pabagsak!”
    ü  Lessen my “Laag time”
    ü  Be good to friends and avoid having enemies.
    ü  Be a role model.
    ü  Use free time wisely.

(checklist is under construction, I will add more soon)


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