Sunday, March 16, 2014

F.S. 5 - Learning Activity 6: Slide Presentations


Click the link below to see my Slide Presentation. 
My Slide Presentation - Dropbox

A screenshot of my slide presentations


Based on the slide presentation you have made, what are the features of a good slide presentation?

                A good slide presentation,

  • Gives a bunch of information to the students.
  • Must contain the entire ideas about a topic.
  • Must have large font sizes that can be seen at far.
  • Must contain consistent ideas.
  • Understandable

How do you describe your slide presentation in terms of its good features? 

                My presentation really gives a bunch of information to the students because it has a large range of ideas about the topic. It contains all the ideas about my topic discussed. My presentation also has large font sizes so that the students can clearly see even at far what are written in my presentation. My presentation contains consistent ideas in such a way that the ideas in my slides are connected to each other.


What difficulties have you encountered in preparing the slide presentation?

                I took a hard time collecting many definitions about my topic. In order for the students to understand my topic, I included there various definitions and I did not only rely on one. In addition to that difficulty, I also took a hard time searching those definitions from the internet.  I also took a hard time typing equations most especially the fractions, exponents, and others. It was difficult for me because there is no shortcut in typing them and copying from web is not compatible to the software, so I needed to click here and there in order to complete those.

What are the feedbacks of the class about your slide presentation?

According to my classmates, it was nice and they said that they were able to see the consistency of the ideas included in my slide presentation. They also said that the words are big and that they can see from apart. They said that the ideas of the presentation about the topic were comprehensive. And lastly they said that about the topic, they couldn’t ask for more.

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