Sunday, March 16, 2014

F.S. 5 - Learning Activity 4: Teaching Aids Bank



Why is there a need to make a survey of available materials before making your own materials?

  1. So that I can know the different kinds/types of instructional materials used for teaching.
  2. So that I can know how to make and where to find those instructional materials.
  3. So that I can know how to use those instructional materials when I teach someday. 


What materials did you like most? Why?

                Of all the materials I observed, I really like the CDs and DVDs. It is because the students will really watch it and listen to it. I observed that some of the students don’t usually listen to the teacher, so presenting educational videos or videos related to the lesson sometimes will let them pay attention.

What difficulties did you encounter in making the materials?

                In terms of the technological instructional materials, I did not really have any difficulties because I am good in accessing computer. I can access most of the software in computer. But, in terms of the written instructional materials, it is really difficult for me to style through writing because I have bad hand writing.

How did you overcome it?

                Since it is hard for me to style through writing, I print out those things that need to be written. In computer software, there are various font styles so it is not really hard to style. There is also a printer at home that is why it is not really hard for me to print.

Make suggestions to the teachers in the preparation of teaching materials.

  1. Make sure that the materials are aligned to your teaching objectives. Use the instructional materials that can be used or suitable for your topic.
  2. If you’re having difficulties in making instructional materials, approach people who are expert on making those. For example, in making slideshow presentation, we know that some older teachers can’t access computers anymore so it is better to approach people who know how to make slides.
  3. Make sure that the materials can be seen or, if should be used, can be used by the students. Most especially for visual aids, the words should be big enough so that all the students can see what is written or projected.

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