Sunday, March 16, 2014

F.S. 5 - Learning Activity 5: Paper Works (Hand-Outs Use)


Click the link below to see my Handout. Some of the characters in the document may not be seen so better download it and open in MS-Word
My Hand-Out - Dropbox

A screenshot of my Hand-Out Document


Which feature of the hand-out is not effective?

                For me, the feature of a hand-out that is not really effective is its being outlined-form. If a hand-out is given at first, surely the students will not understand what’s on it because it only contains the summarized ideas about a topic. I say it is not effective because the students will not really learn from it at first. It still needs to be explained. Maybe somehow after discussions, the hand-out is more effective because the ideas about the topic are already at the students mind and the hand-out will serve as the review because it is already summarized / outlined in nature.


Recall any difficulties encountered in making hand-outs? How did you overcome them?

                In the making of my hand-out, I did not encounter any difficulty because it is just easy to create because it only needs the summarized/outlined form of the topic and it should not contain the entire topic. In terms of its content, I just took hard cutting the ideas about the topic because since it is mathematics, it involves critical process and that it should be stated step by step and should not discard even one step. By that, I just included all the processes in each step and only cut some between the processes but not in the steps.

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