Sunday, March 16, 2014

F.S. 5 - Learning Activity 7: E - Presentations



Write your reflections on your experience.

                As i experienced in finding the websites about the topic, it was quite easy because online searching engine are available online namely, google, bing, yahoo, and others. These online searching engines really helped me to locate and find websites and other resources that could be very helpful for the discussion about the topic.

How did you find the task of surfing the net relevant in generating more information for your support materials to the topic?

                In surfing the web, I could see and find many information for my support materials to the topic easily. it is because, many people post their discussions and tutorials about any topic I want. Those people are not just ordinary people, there are some who are Doctors, Engineers, Teachers, and other professionals. But I always see and inspect their post always because there are some people who are pretending as professionals and are bluffing in their posts. Not all informations available in the web are true and reliable, some are only based on someone's thought and not based on facts. But above all, searching the net for support materials about the topic, could be somehow relevant because many ideas and information are available and accessible.


Imagine how schools in communities without internet facilities cope with this need.

                Internet gives many information to people. It could be very hard for the teachers and students in the communities without internet facilities because they will not be able to find more information for their lessons. However, if they have many resources other than internet just like books, it would not be that hard for them. But what if they don't even have books? They will surely have a hard time learning things  up.

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