Sunday, March 16, 2014

F.S. 5 - Learning Activity 7: E - Presentations



Write your reflections on your experience.

                As i experienced in finding the websites about the topic, it was quite easy because online searching engine are available online namely, google, bing, yahoo, and others. These online searching engines really helped me to locate and find websites and other resources that could be very helpful for the discussion about the topic.

How did you find the task of surfing the net relevant in generating more information for your support materials to the topic?

                In surfing the web, I could see and find many information for my support materials to the topic easily. it is because, many people post their discussions and tutorials about any topic I want. Those people are not just ordinary people, there are some who are Doctors, Engineers, Teachers, and other professionals. But I always see and inspect their post always because there are some people who are pretending as professionals and are bluffing in their posts. Not all informations available in the web are true and reliable, some are only based on someone's thought and not based on facts. But above all, searching the net for support materials about the topic, could be somehow relevant because many ideas and information are available and accessible.


Imagine how schools in communities without internet facilities cope with this need.

                Internet gives many information to people. It could be very hard for the teachers and students in the communities without internet facilities because they will not be able to find more information for their lessons. However, if they have many resources other than internet just like books, it would not be that hard for them. But what if they don't even have books? They will surely have a hard time learning things  up.

F.S. 5 - Learning Activity 6: Slide Presentations


Click the link below to see my Slide Presentation. 
My Slide Presentation - Dropbox

A screenshot of my slide presentations


Based on the slide presentation you have made, what are the features of a good slide presentation?

                A good slide presentation,

  • Gives a bunch of information to the students.
  • Must contain the entire ideas about a topic.
  • Must have large font sizes that can be seen at far.
  • Must contain consistent ideas.
  • Understandable

How do you describe your slide presentation in terms of its good features? 

                My presentation really gives a bunch of information to the students because it has a large range of ideas about the topic. It contains all the ideas about my topic discussed. My presentation also has large font sizes so that the students can clearly see even at far what are written in my presentation. My presentation contains consistent ideas in such a way that the ideas in my slides are connected to each other.


What difficulties have you encountered in preparing the slide presentation?

                I took a hard time collecting many definitions about my topic. In order for the students to understand my topic, I included there various definitions and I did not only rely on one. In addition to that difficulty, I also took a hard time searching those definitions from the internet.  I also took a hard time typing equations most especially the fractions, exponents, and others. It was difficult for me because there is no shortcut in typing them and copying from web is not compatible to the software, so I needed to click here and there in order to complete those.

What are the feedbacks of the class about your slide presentation?

According to my classmates, it was nice and they said that they were able to see the consistency of the ideas included in my slide presentation. They also said that the words are big and that they can see from apart. They said that the ideas of the presentation about the topic were comprehensive. And lastly they said that about the topic, they couldn’t ask for more.

F.S. 5 - Learning Activity 5: Paper Works (Hand-Outs Use)


Click the link below to see my Handout. Some of the characters in the document may not be seen so better download it and open in MS-Word
My Hand-Out - Dropbox

A screenshot of my Hand-Out Document


Which feature of the hand-out is not effective?

                For me, the feature of a hand-out that is not really effective is its being outlined-form. If a hand-out is given at first, surely the students will not understand what’s on it because it only contains the summarized ideas about a topic. I say it is not effective because the students will not really learn from it at first. It still needs to be explained. Maybe somehow after discussions, the hand-out is more effective because the ideas about the topic are already at the students mind and the hand-out will serve as the review because it is already summarized / outlined in nature.


Recall any difficulties encountered in making hand-outs? How did you overcome them?

                In the making of my hand-out, I did not encounter any difficulty because it is just easy to create because it only needs the summarized/outlined form of the topic and it should not contain the entire topic. In terms of its content, I just took hard cutting the ideas about the topic because since it is mathematics, it involves critical process and that it should be stated step by step and should not discard even one step. By that, I just included all the processes in each step and only cut some between the processes but not in the steps.

F.S. 5 - Learning Activity 4: Teaching Aids Bank



Why is there a need to make a survey of available materials before making your own materials?

  1. So that I can know the different kinds/types of instructional materials used for teaching.
  2. So that I can know how to make and where to find those instructional materials.
  3. So that I can know how to use those instructional materials when I teach someday. 


What materials did you like most? Why?

                Of all the materials I observed, I really like the CDs and DVDs. It is because the students will really watch it and listen to it. I observed that some of the students don’t usually listen to the teacher, so presenting educational videos or videos related to the lesson sometimes will let them pay attention.

What difficulties did you encounter in making the materials?

                In terms of the technological instructional materials, I did not really have any difficulties because I am good in accessing computer. I can access most of the software in computer. But, in terms of the written instructional materials, it is really difficult for me to style through writing because I have bad hand writing.

How did you overcome it?

                Since it is hard for me to style through writing, I print out those things that need to be written. In computer software, there are various font styles so it is not really hard to style. There is also a printer at home that is why it is not really hard for me to print.

Make suggestions to the teachers in the preparation of teaching materials.

  1. Make sure that the materials are aligned to your teaching objectives. Use the instructional materials that can be used or suitable for your topic.
  2. If you’re having difficulties in making instructional materials, approach people who are expert on making those. For example, in making slideshow presentation, we know that some older teachers can’t access computers anymore so it is better to approach people who know how to make slides.
  3. Make sure that the materials can be seen or, if should be used, can be used by the students. Most especially for visual aids, the words should be big enough so that all the students can see what is written or projected.

F.S. 5 - Learning Activity 3: Utilization of Teaching Aids



What is the basis of the teacher in choosing such instructional material in the lesson?

                Clearly, the basis of the teacher in choosing the instructional materials used in her lesson is the scope of her subject taught. Since the teacher’s lesson is more on problem solving that really involves writing, she just appropriately used visual aids and chalkboard in her teaching. Teaching the lesson “measures of variability” which includes mean, median, mode, standard deviation and others, really needs to use those instructional materials.

Do you observe any difficulty in the use of the instructional materials? How did she manage it?

                As I observed, she did not have any difficulty in using her instructional materials because she already mastered using those instructional materials. Since the teacher already mastered using those instructional materials, the students easily learned because the can get easily with to the teacher and to the teachers’ instructional materials used.

Was the use of the materials effective? Why? Why not?

                Somehow, for me, the use of the instructional materials was effective because those materials were able to show to the students what the subject matter was all about. It was able to let the students visualize and perform the topic discussed.

How did the learners respond to the teacher’s use of the visual aids?

                As I have seen, the students actively responded to the teacher’s teaching method with the use of the teaching aids. The teacher successfully got the student’s attention through the use of those teaching aids. The students also positively participated to the teacher’s lesson.


Imagine yourself as the teacher. What would you do or not do if you were to teach the same subject to the same group of students? 

                If I were to teach the same subject and the same lesson to the same group of students, I will use more teaching aids so that the students will really learn not only the process but also where those processes came from. For example, by explaining where the formulas came from, the use of interactive teaching materials is helpful for me just like power point presentations/slideshows, video tutorials and others. With the use of these interactive teaching materials, the students will surely lend their eyes and ears to me. Another is by using teaching materials for classroom games just like flash cards. By this way, the students are all included and no one is exempted. Even if it is in a form of game, learning still presides in each of the students. The lifestyle of the new generation people nowadays are modernized, that is why if I were to teach that lesson, I will not use the traditional visual aids because it may be still effective but students who will not listen are still inevitable and by the use of technological teaching aids, the students will surely involve in the teaching-learning process.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

F.S. 5 - Learning Activity 2: Bulletin Board Display


Name of School Observed: Regional Science High School
Location of School: Gusa, CDOC
Date of Visit: December 2013

1. Number of Bulletin Board Displays: 2(two)

2. Location of Bulletin Board Displays (BBD): Near the entrance of the school

3. Describe each BBD in terms of the following:

a.       The message(s) it provides
The bulletin board is full of information about the activities in the school. All the upcoming events and projects are listed and posted in the BBD. All messages are in English language and all are in simple ones in order for the students to easily understand. Almost all posted are in outline form.

b.      Images color
The BBD is not so attractive but somehow colors are still noticeable. Only few color combinations are used in the BBD. There are only few images available in the BBD and they are all about the latest news.

c.       Arrangement of information/messages
The information most especially about their “P.E Sports Festival” are chronologically organized/arranged. Posts in the form of papers are pinned horizontally in the bulletin board.

      4. Materials used in the display
·         Cartolina
·         Bond Papers
·         Colored and Construction Papers
·         Crepe Paper
·         Water Cellophane
·         Wood(framing)

5. Errors noticed, if any

      There are no major errors I noticed. Only the presentations of the BBD because it is more attractive if there are more colors in the display. As we all know, people most especially young ones are most attracted to colorful things. A typical Bulletin board is covered with glass so that the information/messaged pinned in the BBD will not be touched by people. Nasty students are inevitable, they sometimes tear – off papers in the BBD, that is why it is important to cover the BBD.

       6. Borders, if any

The Bulletin Board Display has a thick wood as its border. The BBD just occupied almost the whole width of the wall.

       7. Clarity of Messages
The messages/information are clear. Not so overcrowded. The messages’ font is enough and is readable by the students. Messages are outlined.

       8. Photo Documentation, if any


      Describe the board display design in terms of raising the target audience’s interests.

                The information and messages posted in the Bulletin Board Display are all for and about the students that is why it directly hits the students’ attention. Aside from the information and messages, the images also catch the students’ eyes. Added with color combinations but however it lacks some to be entirely called color-attractive Bulletin Board can somehow help catching attention.

      Use of language in making the target audiences’ understanding of the information

The language used in the information and messages posted in the bulletin board is only American English. Even if it is not what we used to use, the students in RSHS seem to easily understand because they practice that type of language in their institution since then.  It is right to use that language in RSHS bulletin boards because the students will surely understand the information and messages posted in their bulletin boards.

      The intention of the Board Display

                The intention of the bulletin board display we observed is to let the students know about their upcoming event entitled “P.E. Sports Festival”. Also the schedules of games of the said event are posted in that bulletin board. As what we noticed that day, only about that said event is posted on the bulletin board and nothing about educational stuffs. We are thinking that the educational posts are removed and are replaced by that new information and messages.

      Your suggestion

                For me, I think it better if we have many partitions in a bulletin board. Maybe part of it is about the upcoming events, campus calendar, daily news, and other school – related posts. What I noticed in many schools, they have many bulletin boards/information boards. That may cause the students to be tired of looking at them one by one. So I suggest building only one but large and long bulletin board so that the students will only look at them ones. The information and messages of different themes and titles are divided in many part of the bulletin board.

From my suggestions, here is my Proposed Board Display



      From what you have observed about the bulletin board display, what are the skills that must be developed by a teacher?

                Creativity is one of the skills that must be developed by a teacher in making bulletin board displays. We admit that we ourselves also can be easily attracted to creatively-made things plus the factor that it is colorful and amazing. If a teacher develops this kind of skill, surely his/her bulletin board displays will be catching many students’ eyes because of the wonderful work of art brought by that skill. Another skill that a teacher must develop is Flexibility. If a teacher is flexible, he/she can always find things to post in his/her bulletin board display not just those insignificant ones but those that will raise the students’ interests. According to Readers’ Digest, Flexibility is one of the mankind’s most wanted skills.

      Did you have any experience designing or making a bulletin board? Which skill do you already have?

                Way back since I was in high school, I was one of the students that were assigned in designing our own bulletin board.   Each section has a bulletin board in each of their assigned classroom. Every classroom has a big bulletin board. That time, it is really hard for us in deciding what to put in the bulletin board. We were just putting there our section seal (logo), birthdays of each student in the section, mission and vision of the school, and picture. We did not know what is really to be pasted in the bulletin board. But in college, we have this subject “principles of teaching” where one of our lessons is making Bulletin Boards. We tackled what are the things that should be posted in Bulletin boards. We made a bulletin board layout where I think I used my flexibility skill. What I’m working out right now is my creativity skill because I’m still finding a hard time developing that kind of skill.

      Are there skills you think you still need? Reflect on how you can acquire and improve on these skills.

                What I really want to fully develop right now is my creativity skill. Since now and then, I was struggling making projects involving work of arts because I lack creativity. I’m glad right now that I have this subject “Art Appreciation” where we are exposed to different forms of art and are taught of different techniques that could really help me develop my creativity skill. And I am thinking right now that what if I do those things we do in Art Appreciation at home and do it every day in order for me to really master creativity? Maybe there are many ways that could help me develop that kind of skill, but for now, I could use that opportunity to improve creativity in myself. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

My New Year Resolutions

My 2013 can be described as a very tiring year. In my family, school, and about friends, many challenges have arrived. In my family, we almost lost our grandma, but we really thanked God that he extended her life. In school, many requirements dumped me in 2013. About my friends, some of them are quarreling. Now, expecting a prosperous 2014, I thought of avoiding those kinds of challenges again that is why I am planning to follow and hopefully complete my “2014 Checklist” below.

(Not in the exact order)
    ü  To be ‘more’ closer to God.
    ü  Be good at home for Lola.
    ü  Go home early. (I need to work this out!)
    ü  Make requirements ahead of time.
    ü  Add more time to my study time.
    ü  Maintain my good grades or much better make it higher.
    ü  “ayaw ug ayaw gyud pabagsak!”
    ü  Lessen my “Laag time”
    ü  Be good to friends and avoid having enemies.
    ü  Be a role model.
    ü  Use free time wisely.

(checklist is under construction, I will add more soon)